13 Simple Rules Which Can make Your Everyday Life Easier

Ivan Bačić
3 min readAug 23, 2019
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Rules are efficient only if they are easy to remember, there aren’t many of them, and when they cover the important aspects of life. For that purpose, I’ve created the rules which will help my work, mental and physical health, and my relationships with others.

As the time goes by, I will inevitably have to change and adopt some of these rules, but since I have been following the majority of these rules for quite some time, I’m sure that they will be useful in this shape as well.

The rules, and their explanations are:

  1. Divide your day into time blocks and spend each day doing and improving what matters; work, health, family and friends.
  2. During each time block you can do whatever that block suggests or absolutely nothing; doing nothing is boring, so sooner or later you will start doing what’s intended but you won’t feel the pressure of something you must do.
  3. Concentrate on only one thing at a time; that way you can dedicate your attention to the task you’re doing or the person you’re spending time with and both of them will be grateful for that; multitasking is not allowed, not even on a toilet.
  4. Notifications on your phone are turned off; that way you can dedicate your attention to the task you’re doing or the person you’re spending time with and both of them will be grateful for that; in the case of an emergency there is a phone call; that’s what phones are for.
  5. Only use the internet to find the information you need at that moment or to reach a certain person; the internet is not a source of entertainment.
  6. Check your email once I day and I don’t use social media; social networks and compulsive email checking decrease your ability to concentrate.
  7. Don’t check your website stats, book sales… because when you see these numbers you will only want to increase them and not focus on the work that matters.
  8. Sleep for eight hours and don’t use technology one hour before going to bed; sleep is a crucial pillar of mental and physical health, and the blue light which led displays emit delays melatonin release, a hormone which is important for putting you to sleep.
  9. Don’t eat sugars and other refined carbohydrates and don’t snack between meals; this contributes to your mental and physical health.
  10. Exercise four times per week; this contributes to your mental and physical health.
  11. Read every day; this contributes to your mental and physical health.
  12. Each day, spend some time with people you care about; this contributes to your mental and physical health.
  13. Spend less than you earn; this contributes to your mental and physical health.

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Originally published at https://ibmiller.net on August 23, 2019.

